Tohi Research Fellowship

We have partnered with Tohi Ventures, LLC who supports our USDA-funded project examining the health and performance benefits of powerful antioxidants like aronia berry.

Aronia berries contain comparatively more antioxidants than other berries.

reviewed in, Molecules. 2017 Jun; 22(6): 944


Can supplementation with powerful antioxidants in evidence-based supplementation regimes improve health, recovery from stress, and healthy aging?

This fellowship project supports a graduate student who is dedicated to researching mechanisms behind how aronia improves health in human subjects. Information about mechanisms will help us better guide end-users on how (when, how much, in what form) to supplement with aronia to support optimal health and performance.

Daily Research Focus Highlight Series

January 12, 2021 starts 12 Days of Tohi


Aronia in stress resilience and longevity